

Appulate supports different document types and saves a lot of time and effort when filling these documents.

Documents are available on several Appulate pages, each type coming with a specific set of available actions.

You can set the privacy type for documents. 

Pages with documents

Pages where documents are uploaded, stored, and edited, as well as available actions are listed in the table below. 

Tabs Types of documents Additional information
Forms page
  • ACORD forms
  • Supplemental forms

ACORD and Supplemental forms can be:

  • uploaded
  • generated during a quote request with the prefilled information from the questionnaire.
Loss runs page
  • Loss runs

You can:

  • Upload loss runs
  • Send LossRunner requests
Quote request > Documents page 
  • Other
  • ExMod Sheet 
  • Policy
  • Notice of Cancellation
  • Declaration Page 
  • Resume/Bio 
  • Statement of Values
  • Contract
  • SL-2
  • MVR (a driving record required in AUTOB quote requests)
  • Vehicle Registration certificate
  • Quote
  • D-1
  • Supplemental
  • Email

You can:

  • Upload documents
  • Send by email
  • Sign documents
  • Edit
  • Move
  • Send form to complete (one form), Send to complete (several forms)
  • Download as one PDF
  • Merge PDF
  • Download as archive
  • Delete
Policy > Policy documents section
  • Policy documents
You can upload documents, send by email, edit or delete. 
Policy > Documents page
  • Quotes
  • Loss Runs
  • Other
  • ExMod Sheet 
  • Policy
  • Notice of Cancellation
  • Declaration Page 
  • Resume/Bio 
  • Statement of Values
  • Contract
  • SL-2
  • MVR (a driving record, required in AUTOB submissions)
  • Vehicle Registration certificate
  • Supplemental
  • Email

You can:

  • Upload documents
  • Send by email
  • Sign documents
  • Edit
  • Move
  • Download as one PDF
  • Merge PDF
  • Download as archive
  • Delete
Insured documents
  • ACORD forms
  • Supplemental forms
  • Quotes
  • Loss Runs
  • Other
  • ExMod Sheet 
  • Policy
  • Notice of Cancellation
  • Declaration Page 
  • Resume/Bio 
  • Statement of Values
  • Contract
  • SL-2
  • MVR (a driving record, required in AUTOB submissions)
  • Vehicle Registration certificate
  • Email

You can

  • Upload files
  • Send by email
  • Edit
  • Move
  • Delete


Documents privacy

Appulate users can determine the privacy type of uploaded documents:

Some document types can have restricted access.

Note: By default, the documents uploaded on the Market Smart Q&A page are available to all companies in the submission chain. This applies even if the uploading company has its Document access set to My company only.

Settings page

The default privacy state of all uploaded documents is determined by the Document access setting on the Setup > Settings page.

The Settings page is only available to admin users.

Settings page

Edit document dialog

Each user uploading a document can decide if it will be available only to their company or all companies in the submission chain in the Edit document dialog. It opens right after you upload a document.

Note: This setting is only available to the users of the company who uploaded a document.

2024-01-30_19-57-25 edit document

Document privacy options

Regardless of whether you're setting the document access on the Settings page or the Edit document dialog, two privacy options are available:

  • My company only - Documents will be shared only between the users of the company that uploaded them. They will not be attached to the submission and emails to the market.
  • All companies in submission - Documents will be shared between the users of the company that uploaded them, as well as with other companies in the submission chain.

Documents with restrictable access

Note: The sharing rules do not apply to the Insured documents page and appointment documents. 

You can restrict access to the documents with the following types:

  • Other;
  • ExMod Sheet;
  • Policy;
  • Notice of Cancellation;
  • Declaration Page;
  • Resume/Bio;
  • Statement of Values;
  • Contract;
  • SL-2;
  • MVR;
  • Vehicle Registration certificate;
  • D-1;
  • Quote;
  • Email.

Interface and actions

On the interface, documents with the My company only privacy type will be displayed with the icon 2024-01-12_18-09-03:

documents privacy

Clicking the icon opens the Edit document dialog, where you can change the access type. This applies to:

Note: Only the users of the company that uploaded the documents can change their visibility. If an ACORD, Supplemental or LossRun document type was changed, this document will be visible to everyone.


If a document has a note added to it, the Documents page will display it in a separate column.

You can add document notes in the Edit document dialog. It opens when you upload a document or click Edit in a document's row.


Moving documents

In Appulate, you can use the Move document dialog to transfer a document to another insured (both existing and new), quote request, or policy.

moving document

To open this dialog, click the Move button for the document you want to move on one of the following pages:

You can also move a document during Uplink.

Move document dialog

In the Move document dialog, you need to specify the insured and the page the document will be moved to:

  • Insured documents: The document will be moved to the Insured documents page of the specified insured.

  • New quote request: The document will be moved to the Documents page of a new quote request. You can create it in the dialog. Just fill in the required Insurance line, Effective date, and Expiration date questions.

  • New policy: The document will be moved to the Documents page of a new policy. You can create it in the dialog. Just fill in the required Insurance line, Effective date, Expiration date, and Carrier questions.

  • Another quote request or policy: The document will be moved to the Documents page of an existing quote request or policy. You need to select it in the required Quote request or policy field. This option is only available when moving a document to an existing insured.

Note:  If you're moving a loss run to an existing or new quote request, it will be available on both the Loss Runs and Documents pages. For policies, it will be available on the Documents page.

You can move a document to a new insured. Just type the new insured's name in the Insured field and select the Insured type.