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Appulate's new Certificates page allows agencies and MGAs to issue certificates of insurance.


Certificates of insurance are used to verify the existence of a policy and provide a summary of it. 

In Appulate, you can create, edit, and download certificates on the Certificates page. To open it, click Certificates in the Insured page menu. Everyone except for viewers and the insured can access this page.


This feature is available to agencies and MGAs for policies in all Commercial lines except for Package - Commercial. This feature isn't currently available for the Person-type insured.

Creating a certificate

Note: To create a certificate, you must have at least one active policy in any Commercial line except for Package - Commercial.

To add a certificate, click Create certificate. You'll need to complete three steps: Holder, Policies, and Questions.

Certificates workflow

1. In the Holder step, fill in the information about the company or person your certificate of insurance is intended for. The Name and Address fields are required.


2. In the Policies step, select at least one policy you want to create a certificate for. 


Note: The Policies list shows all active Commercial (except for Package - Commercial) policies of this insured. You can only select one policy per insurance line.

3. The Questions step contains optional questions from ACORD 25.

Questions step

The information that is already available for this policy will be prefilled. However, you can edit it. Editing these values will only apply to this certificate. This won't affect the actual policy's information.

The Insured's mailing address will also be prefilled with the Mailing address specified on the Insured page.

Once finished, click Complete to create the certificate. You can download it right away or proceed to the Certificates list.

Certificate ready

Certificates list


Certificates are displayed with their Holder, Policies, Creation date, and Expiration date. You can sort all columns except Policies.

To create a new certificate, just click Create certificate in the upper-right corner of the page.

A certificate will moved to the Expired and canceled section if:

  • anything except for the questionnaire gets changed for any of the policies included in the certificate;
  • any of the policies included in the certificate gets expired, canceled, reverted to a quote request, or deleted.

Certificate actions

Certificate actions

To edit a certificate, click the Edit button edit-icon-Mar-26-2024-09-44-13-5071-AM . This will open the Edit certificate page with the Holder, Policies, and Questions tabs. The workflow is similar to creating a certificate.

Edit certificate

Each certificate also comes with a menu kebab-menu-icon-Mar-26-2024-09-44-15-4309-AM that allows you to Download and permanently Delete it.

Note: You can only delete expired or canceled certificates. No other actions are available.