Questionnaire update notifications

These notifications will be sent to a market user after their market receives a quote request from an agency or MGA, or they assign an agency. Every time an agency or market user changes something in the questionnaire, all other markets working with this quote request or policy are sent emails with information about the changes.

Note: To receive Questionnaire updated emails, you need to have the Questionnaire updated setting enabled in your profile (Setup > My Profile or click your name in the top-right corner).

My-Profile (10)-1

Note: If several changes are made to the questionnaire sequentially, events are aggregated, and one notification is sent to the market user containing information about all these changes. The period during which the changes are combined is 15 minutes.

No notifications will be sent:

  • If the quote request is deleted or has the status "Canceled", "Declined by market", "Declined by Insured", "Policy-Canceled";
  • If assigned market users have the Questionnaire updated setting turned off in their profile.

The Underwriter and CSR assigned to the quote request or policy will be notified. If none of them is assigned, the notification is sent only to those users of the market who have the Receive emails unassigned to any user of my company setting enabled on their User Profile page.

The changes that an insured contact made come from the insured contact.

Questionnaire updated email