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Requests for Quote report

The “Requests for Quote” report is used to provide relevant statistical information on the company’s business productivity: the number of Requests for Quote (RFQs) with a particular status over a specified period of time. This information is presented in the form of a table and can be grouped or filtered by various parameters. 

To open the Requests for Quote report, click Requests for Quote on the Reports menu.

The Requests for Quote page contains:

  • A table where information on RFQs is displayed.
  • Tabs to switch between different data dimensions and group these RFQs.
  • Drop-down lists to filter these RFQs by parameters.

The number and kind of elements displayed on this page vary depending on the type of user who views the report: a market user or an agency user.

Requests for quote report

Statistics are not collected each time a user wants to form a report, but stored in the database and recalculated once a day. Thus, new data is not included in the report immediately.

Table, tabs, and filters

The table displays in a specified way how many RFQs meet the conditions set by filters and which status these RFQs have. Deleted RFQs are not counted.

The table contains the following columns:

Column Description
[Dimension] Categories that determine the structure of the report. The content of this column varies depending on which type of grouping (tab) is selected and can have from one-level through a three-level hierarchy. For more information about this column, see Tabs later.

Created New (for agency users)

Received (for market users)

The number of RFQs that was created or received over a selected period. (If an RFQ was created and then, for example, declined during the same period, this RFQ is counted in both columns.)
In Play The number of RFQs that were created, declined, canceled, or in progress.
Pending The number of "active" RFQs without a quote (their statuses are "New/Unassigned" or "In Progress").
Quoted Ongoing The number of active RFQs with a quote or indication, which were neither declined nor bound. Their statuses are: "Quote Prepared", "Indication Prepared", "Quote Released", "Indication Released" (applicable to markets), "Indication Sent to Insured", "Indication Accepted by Insured", "Submission to Underwriter Initiated", "Submitted to Underwriter", "Sent to Insured", "Accepted by Insured", or "Requested to Bind".
Quoted The number of quote requests with one or more generated or uploaded quotes.
Declined by Market(s) The number of RFQs that were submitted and declined by all the markets. Their statuses are “Declined by Market (No Appetite)”, “Declined by Market (Reserved)”, or “Declined by Market (Other)”.
Declined by Producer The number of RFQs with the status "Indication Declined by Producer" and “Declined by Producer”. 
Declined by Insured The number of RFQs with the status "Indication Declined by Insured" and “Declined by Insured”.
Canceled  The number of RFQs with the status “Cancelled”.
Bound  The number of RFQs that became policies with any status (“Active”, “Expired”, or “Cancelled”).
 Total Premium The premium amount of only bound RFQs (i.e. policies) is counted, for example, $15,443 or $634.20.



The tabs determine the way RFQs are grouped. The structure of the report depends on a selected (opened) tab. This structure is displayed in the very left column and can consist of one, two, or three levels.

To show the list of sublevels, if any, click the caret sign next to a level name. This action will expand the sublevels. Thus, the rows of the table are the shown elements of this structure. In addition, the bottommost row of the table is “Grand Total”, which displays the total number of RFQs with a particular status and the total amount of the insurers’ premium. No cell in the table can be empty. If there is no data for the intersection of any row and column, the cell contains "0".

To show or hide the lists of sub-levels, you can also right-click the necessary cell of the left column and then click "Expand", "Expand All", or "Collapse All".

The Requests for Quote page contains the following tabs:

Tab Description
By User Company offices (locations) whose users created RFQs (first level), and users who created the RFQs (second level).
By Agency (available to market users only) Companies (mostly agencies) that submitted RFQs.
By Date Years when RFQs were created (first level; only RFQs created from 2005 through 2025 inclusive are counted), quarters when the RFQs were created (second level), and months when the RFQs were created (third level).
By Line of Business

Types of lines of business (“Commercial” and “Personal”) to which RFQs belong (first level), and lines of business to which RFQs belong (second level).

New vs Renewal Types of RFQs: to get a new policy and to prolong an existing one (“New” and “Renewal”).
By State

States where the Insured resided and hence where the RFQs were created. One extra row consolidates statistics on RFQs from the Insured whose state is undefined: [Empty State].


The following filters are used to display RFQs by one or more parameters.


Filter Description
Agency (available to market users only)

Companies (mostly agencies) whose users submitted RFQs. One or more options (agencies) can be selected.

“All” covers all available agencies. At least one option must be selected.

Market Markets to which RFQs were submitted. Only one option (market) can be selected. When "All" markets are selected, the table shows cumulative information on RFQs, i.e. in which state RFQs are from agency's or MGA's point of view. When a particular market is selected, the table shows the information on RFQs as if submissions were made only to this market.
Period A period under review. One of the following options can be selected: “All”, "Custom", “Today”, “This Week”, “This Month”, “This Quarter”, “This Year”, “Last Month”, “Last Quarter”, or “Last Year”. Users can filter information for the specific period using the "Custom" option, in this case, two additional fields will appear: "Date From" and "Date To".
Insured State States where the Insured resided and where the RFQs were created. One or more options (states) can be selected. “All” covers all available RFQs, including the ones whose state is undefined (“[Empty State]” option). At least one option must be selected.
Line of Business Lines of business to which RFQs belong. One or more options (lines of business) can be selected. “All” covers all available lines of business. At least one option must be selected.
Designation Company members who participated in submission. These two UI elements are used together. First, the designation of a company member is selected: Producer or CSR for an agency, or Underwriter or CSR for a market. After that, one or more options can be selected from the list. “All” covers all available people. At least one option must be selected
Location Company offices whose users created RFQs. One or more options (locations) can be selected. “All” covers all available locations. At least one option must be selected.
New vs Renewal  Types of RFQs. One of the following options can be selected: “All”, “New” (created to get a new policy), or “Renewal” (created to prolong an existing policy).