Markets and lines of business

What companies in Appulate offer Workers' Compensation, Commercial Auto, Umbrella, etc. quotes?

The Appulate Market Directory page ( allows you to search for carriers and brokers and their lines of business.

Carriers, MGAs/Wholesalers, and PEOs are registered in Appulate as markets. You can type the name of a line in the search box or select it in the drop-down list to view all available markets.

market directory

All the markets that have a program for the selected line are shown with the default submission type: "Appulate", "Weblink", "eSubmission", or "Email".

The following labels may appear under a market's name to promote features this market can offer:

  • Estimated Premium. This market is ready to provide a preliminary price of a policy before submission. 
  • Instant Quote. This market supports automatic quote generation, i.e. quotes are created without an Underwriter's assistance.
  • Open Brokerage. This market is ready to provide quotes and bind policies without the prior appointment with a submitting agency.

You can also find the market's advertising brochures. They are available under the View Brochure button.